It’s the right leads not the pure number of leads that matter. Yes this week we’re actually going to talk about leads. Not any old lead but about having the right leads for you and your business. Leads are one of the topics one in a poll I did a little while back.
The main feedback on sales people’s relationship with leads was
- I don’t have enough leads
- The leads I have ALWAYS suck
- By the time I get them even the good leads are cold
- I need more people to sell to
- Marketing never helps
It’s about the right leads not just the number. The chorus of doesn’t have enough leads is everywhere.
Early on in a lot of our sales coaching engagements, we find even good sellers are not really focused on who their customers should be. They’re looking at it as a volume approach where they need to hit massive numbers of leads and prospects to hit their goals. In some businesses that is the case but in complex competitive B2B sales where the deals tend to be strategic or have longer sales cycles, odds are it’s not so much the reality.
Why Do Sales People Believe Lead Volume Matters
Sales is a numbers game and always will be to an extent but CRM systems and internet advertising has made us think of everything as a volume play. In short, it is driven by the data culture that’s been created by consumer marketing and advertising on Facebook and Google. Along with CRM companies trying to replicate the magic of an algorithm and totally discounting the human element and complexity in B2B selling.
So why do we believer the lies…
- Busy is good! We must be busy doing something at all times (perhaps a management view more than an Account Exec View).
- We’ll make it up in volume…yes you know that lie.
- It’s all about the metrics, KPIs and other magical numeric things that lead to hitting the number.
Calling on the wrong people just to have numbers that make somebody happy, because it’s their KPI metrics is garbage. It’s a bad business practice and is wasted time and resources. You do have to dial the phone, make contacts, and turn strangers into prospects and ultimately customers. Who should or your sales teams be calling on? People with the potential to benefit from what you sell and what you buy. So I’d encourage you to take a look at your lead list. Look at your good customers.
Starting with the Right Leads to Find Your Best New Customers
Begin with what you know. Who is buying from your company today. What industries, what titles, what solutions are they consuming. It’s not a one size fits all approach. Look at the customers that are challenging and look at the ones that have never ever closed or never, ever advanced. Time for some hard answers and to make some determinations as to why?
- Was it a fit problem? (Solution, Need, Budget, Level or Business function, not the ideal customer?)
- Timing in their Buying Cycle?
- Sales Problem? (Bad Rep, Too Many Account Owner Changes, No Follow Up)
With that out of the way let’s find the right leads for you. Take you top 5 or 10 customers and answer.
- Who do you sell to now
- Title/Level
- Industry
- Business Function
- Look at your list of prospects and leads
- Which most closely match your best customers
- Map out who you are calling on there and determine who else you should be calling on.
- Go sell something already
We run a workshop called “Anatomy of a Win”. It’s part case study, part stepping back from the business to understand what worked and why. Then we help individuals or teams apply it across their own businesses. The results are always amazing. You can do it on a piece of paper right now.
If you’d like some help with your sales challenges
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business:
1. Subscribe to the Podcast
Twice a week we talk to founders, innovators, entrepreneurs business owners, and of course sales leaders — about how they built, scaled, and grew their businesses. Apple, Spotify, or any of your favorite podcast services.
2. Join the Sales Minute Facebook Group and connect with other Top Performing Sales Professionals who are focused on growing their sales too
It’s our new Facebook community where smart salespeople, leaders, and owners learn to win more deals, get more income, and have a more fulfilling career. — Click Here
3. Join our 2021 Velocity Program and close your Must Win Deals.
If you’re not absolutely certain who the decisions makers are and what their buying criteria are in your top 3 opportunities I can help. I’m working with a few clients for the next 12 weeks to help win their deals and hit their goals — without a crazy amount of new prospecting, social media BS, or magic. If you want to accelerate your income and book of business, have an existing set of customers and prospects email me at the word “Velocity” and I’ll get you all the details.
4. Work with me and my team privately
If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take your from where it is and grow it by 6 to 7 figures… just email or send me a message and with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.