I was a guest this week on an episode of the Franchise Freedom Podcast hosted by Guiseppe Grammatico
In this episode, we chat a little of everything about sales, work transitions, and of course, franchising. Tim shares his background of how he got into the business, and shares some advice about:
- Learning how to accept your value as an individual
- How to keep it real by doing what you’re truly passionate about
- How to know where to spend your time (hint: it’s where you get results)
- Knowing whether you’re putting the right people in the right roles
- And more
Listen now…
Tim’s biggest piece of advice he’s been giving to everybody recently is, “Do what you have to do or want to do to make a living. But don’t shut yourself down to other things. Don’t be afraid of new adventures, if you will in whatever sense.”
Learn more at Franchising
How Did You Get to this stage in your Career?
- Taking calculated risks, learn more than my job every time, and making sacrifices.
- There is a huge difference between a person who never says no project,
- one who always says no when asked to do more,
- and a person who looks at the impact it will have on your knowledge and capacity.
- Learn to Work Across the Business
- Understand Industry Trends, Customer Functions, market conditions
- Accepted New Roles
- Embrace Your Inner Loaner
- I was raised on Lombardi time which says “if you’re not 15 minutes early you’re late” except in my case that 15 minutes was before the facility opened not when you were supposed to be there.
- Listen, Ask Questions, Improve on what works rather than reinventing the wheel.
Tell Us about Your Experience around career transition or entrepreneurship?
It has come in fits and stages over 30 years. Now people call them “side hustles” but from early on I felt a single income stream was dangerous no matter how good the company.
- Dad at 56
- Uncle In the valves and fittings business. Hoses Story
Small side Businesses
Monster Athletic Gear
E Tailing
Web Design
Sales Consulting
- A Fail Big Jump and a Lesson in picking your business partners, and only doing what you already know.
- Realizing my work needed to matter to more than some ELT, Board, and share holders.
What are some of the challenges people face when making a transition to a new career?
- Leaving the mothership – systems, resources, silos
- The over night success that took 10 years in the making –
- Living in two worlds – the corporate and the entrepreneur
What do you believe makes some successful while others struggle?
- Preparation, Support, and Perseverance
- Preparations
- Be a Scout “Be Prepared”
- Do the work to know yourself, your loved ones, and your goals beyond money
- Date a lot of ideas before deciding which one to marry
- Preparations
- Support
- Close Confidants
- Professionals
- Others Invested in Your Success
- Perseverance
- It’s Nothing Like it Seems
- 1 Intentions and Multiple Cures
- Be great at what you are doing, not just phoning it in on what everyone wants.
If You were advising a person making a career transition from the corporate world into entrepreneurship what are the top 3 pieces of advice you’d share.
- Don’t Put Took Much Stock in Your Current Network. Treat it for what it is and what it can do for you not as money you have in the bank.
- Understand what you areGood at,Enjoy,Are truly willing to do
- Know you are the person behind the curtain not really the great and powerful Oz.
What is your #1 piece of advice for people who are getting to become Entrepreneurial ? Why?
Know Your and Accept Your Value beyond corporate terms.
- Title
- Organization Size
- Revenue / P&L Responsibility
- Finding Favor in the Court
- Industry Accolades
- Income, Quality of Life, Predictability, Reasonable Amount of Control