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A Leadership Journey with Jeff Hancher

A PAck of Wolves folling the Alpha. A Leadership Journey

Today’s conversation is about A Leadership Journey with a popular returning guest and my friend Jeff Hancher. Jeff is the founder of the Champion’s Forum. He is a keynote speaker and works with companies of all sizes as a leadership coach offering private and group coaching.

His Career began serving his country in the United States Army. After which he joined the private sector workforce a blue-collar worker. A true case of hard work and dedication paying off he would be promoted 10 times and hold an executive leadership position at that same fortune 500 company.

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Do You Prefer Video? We’ve got you covered! In addition to the complete video, each of the tips is available on my YouTube channel as a short stand-alone segment. Subscribe today!

Be sure not to miss our first conversation with Jeff on Developing Leadership Skills!

Jeff Hancher of The Champions Forum helping leaders grow and develop.

A Leadership Journey – Leadership Development

 Jeff was raised in Western Pennsylvania and grew up in challenging circumstances. Far from dreaming of his own leadership journey as a child he and his brother dreamed of getting a job in a steel mill or coal mine and building a better life. After a successful career, his passion is to give back, to help others achieve the same success he’s had. He dedicated his life to helping other people develop other leaders and serve a lot of people even during the challenging times of the pandemic.

Is There One Best Leadership Style

Leadership is better caught than taught. The best people develop their skills bu “catching” other great leaders. By watching other great leaders. The different styles of leadership are what make the world go around. There are so many and the best practice is to not gravitate to only one style.  Sure it’s tempting but the truth is that will make you only 10 percent right overall. Leadership is like fishing. It’s about adapting and being flexible. No matter how much we like snickers fish don’t seem to.  So if you are fishing for people you need to know what they need and want.

Your background and upbringing have an influence on your leadership journey and developing your style. The Mentoring and Coaching you’ve received also play a huge role in how you learn to lead.

Leadership Styles at a Glance  

On your leadership journey, the flexibility in style we discussed is essential depending on your audience, their needs, and the situation. Just this week Forbes published an article on why Ford’s CEO had to step down.

In part, it was vision and execution, but also communication. The coach reflects Jeff’s natural style. However, finding the balance is truly what makes great leaders the ones others want to follow.    

“The Coach”

“The Visionary”

The Autocratic”

Servant Leader

Democratic Leader

Pace Setter  

Transformational Leader

Bureaucratic Leader

How Can a Current Leader Adapt to Pandemic Market Conditions? 

Now is the time for visionary leaders to step up. Perhaps more than ever before for all of our current leaders. Visionary leaders have the ability to see things as they should be. They can see things that aren’t as if they were.

Visionaries have a powerful ability to drive progress, usher in a period of change, and earn trust for new ideas while inspiring employees. They establish strong organization bounds and confidence in their direct reports. Great visionary leaders try to anticipate what is around the turn and tie it to strategy.  Even in difficult conditions they don’t look only at yesterday’s news but have a view of when sunny days will return and how to get there.

Tim Kubiak is a Business Geek, Nomad, Aging Metal Head, Nerd, & Coffee Addict. Plus the only big guy at Hot Yoga. For over 25 years he's been building high-performance sales teams globally. With over 2 billion in lifetime sales in goods and services. Tim works as a coach mentor with Founders, Business Owners, Executives, and High Performing individuals to transform companies, bring new solutions to market and achieve their professional goals.

1 thought on “A Leadership Journey with Jeff Hancher”

  1. Pingback: Leadership Beyond The Crisis - Tim Kubiak's Bowties and Business

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